"The Fourth China Urban Rail Transit International Summit in 2017" was Held in Hangzhou
2017/03/30 5507 Size:

On March 3 and March 4, "The Fourth China Urban Rail Transit International Summit in 2017" was held in the beautiful West Lake. Business representatives of 32 subway companies, 25 design institutes and dozens of rail transit suppliers from home and abroad, a total of 550 guests came together to discuss the "Systematicness of Energy Saving and Safety Technology of China’s Rail Transit".


United S&T was the only co-organizer of this summit. The Chairman, Ms. Pan Lichun, made an opening speech for the summit. She congratulated the holding of the summit and briefly introduced performance of United S&T in the field of rail transit.


Subsequently, the representatives of subway companies, design institutes and suppliers respectively made their related keynote speeches. Mr. Zhou Hong, the Vice President of United S&T, delivered a keynote speech named Provide Effective Security for Urban Rail Transit on behalf of the Company, which focused on showing the innovation, service and platform strength of United S&T in the field of rail transit.


At the seminar held in the signal branch venue in the afternoon, the Vice President & Chief Engineer, Ling Zhujun made a speech named Exploration of Development of Urban Rail Transit Signal Technology. He shared the latest ideas and research results of United S&T in the signal field, which were highly praised by the participating experts and leadership of the subway companies.


Gathering elites from all walks of life in the field of urban rail transit in China, the summit had pointed out a new direction and injected a new impetus for the development of rail transit, especially the development of the energy saving and safety technology.